1. CLOZE TEST (빈칸 메우기 테스트)

The footage shows an (1) _____ monkey that was apparently shocked by wires in the city of Kanpur in northern India. A male companion monkey is then seen apparently trying to (2) ____ his comrade. The monkey bites and drags the (3) ____ animal and even douses it in water. After 20 minutes, the injured monkey revives.

 Luisa Arnedo, a National Geographic program officer, says the animals in the video are rhesus macaques, which are (4) _____ to India. Arnedo adds that there is little research into how nonhuman primates deal with death since the events are seldom (5) ______. However, scientists have occasionally seen primates react to death, “in many cases by shaking the body of the dead animal, as not accepting its (6) _____, and also reacting by rough behaviors seemingly (7) _____ at reanimation.” 

 Chimpanzees have been seen becoming very quiet when a member of their group dies, especially if it is a (8) _____ individual, Arnedo adds. And primate mothers will sometimes carry the mummified bodies of their babies for weeks or even months, “as if denying the loss of their baby.” It’s unclear (9) _____ these behaviors are intentional, Arnedo says.

 “In this particular case, does the male shaking the body of the injured individual know that by shaking it and dropping it in water, it can (10) ______ it?” she asks. It’s difficult to say. Arnedo calls the video “an amazing representation of the (11) _____ of primate behavior,” and says “it is (12) ______ of how much we still don’t understand about their societies and their reactions, and how much is left to do for those studying primates.”

2. SYNONYM MATCH (동의어 연결)

1companion-a.to plunge into water
2seeminglyb.preserve while making lifeless
3reminderc.the quality of not moving
4complexityd.film that has been shot
5revivee.a person who is frequently in the company of
6unconsciousf.a person or thing that serves to remind
7limpg.from appearances alone
8douseh.without awareness, sensation, or cognition
9immobilityi.the state or quality of being complex
10mummifyj.to walk with a labored, jerky movement
11footagek.restore to life or consciousness

3. True or False Test

(아래 각각의 질문이 비디오 영상과 본문의 내용 모두에 일치하는지를 ‘true(T) or false(F) 로 선택하시오.)

a.The rescuer monkey spent about 20 seconds trying to revive his friend.T / F
b.The hero monkey tried a variety of moves including hitting, biting and dunking.T / F
c.With his friend unconscious, the rescuer tried dunking him in fresh water.T / F
d.The rescuer pulled his friend onto the platform.T / F
e.The caring monkey attempted to revive his friend who was in danger of being hit by train.T / F
f.Delighted commuters standing on the platform at the station filmed the action on mobile phones.T / F


1. 빈칸에 들어갈 적절한 단어를 고르시오. (정답부분 노란 형광색)
The footage shows an unconscious monkey that was apparently shocked by wires in the city of Kanpur in northern India. A male companion monkey is then seen apparently trying to revive his comrade. The monkey bites and drags the limp animal and even douses it in water. After 20 minutes, the injured monkey revives.

 Luisa Arnedo, a National Geographic program officer, says the animals in the video are rhesus macaques, which are native to India. Arnedo adds that there is little research into how nonhuman primates deal with death since the events are seldom observed. However, scientists have occasionally seen primates react to death, “in many cases by shaking the body of the dead animal, as not accepting its immobility, and also reacting by rough behaviors seemingly aimed at reanimation.” 

Chimpanzees have been seen becoming very quiet when a member of their group dies, especially if it is a high-ranking individual, Arnedo adds. And primate mothers will sometimes carry the mummified bodies of their babies for weeks or even months, “as if denying the loss of their baby.” It’s unclear whether these behaviors are intentional, Arnedo says.

 “In this particular case, does the male shaking the body of the injured individual know that by shaking it and dropping it in water, it can reanimate it?” she asks. It’s difficult to say. Arnedo calls the video “an amazing representation of the complexity of primate behavior,” and says “it is reminder of how much we still don’t understand about their societies and their reactions, and how much is left to do for those studying primates.”

1. companion:
a person who is frequently in the company of 2. seemingly: from appearances alone 3. reminder: a person or thing that serves to remind 4. complexity: the state or quality of being complex 5. revive: restore to life or consciousness 6. unconscious: without awareness, sensation, or cognition 7. limp: to walk with a labored, jerky movement 8. douse: to plunge into water 9. immobility: the quality of not moving 10. mummify: preserve while making lifeless 11. footage: film that has been shot 

a. F (20
초가 아니라 20 )
b. T
c. F (
철도트랙 옆에 있는 배관 혹은 하수구 물이므로 틀림. fresh water 민물, 담수)
d. F (
사고가 일어난 장소는 기차역의 플랫폼이 아니라 기차선로 주변이다.)
e. T (
기차선로에서 사고가 났기 때문에 정황상 기차와 충돌사고가 일어날 있음을 예상할 있다.)
f. T

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